Tag  |  God’s protection


The 21st century is turning out to be frighteningly unpredictable. As technology scampers ahead at breakneck speed, companies that were toasted yesterday are today simply toast. The Blackberry has given way to the iPhone, "brick and mortar" bookshops have been pushed aside by amazon.com, and MySpace has been supplanted by Facebook (which is being challenged by Google+). Few businesses can…

hit and run

One evening, just before midnight, an automobile slammed into the side of our house. I woke up to what sounded like an explosion, but then I heard the muffled noise of a car radio and the squealing of tires as the driver fled the scene.

Satan tried to dismantle Job’s relationship with God (Job 1:9) by afflicting him with a…


During my first 3 years in Uganda, I had occasional contact with blood as I held dying children, helped to dress wounds and open tumors, and sought to comfort AIDS and cancer patients.

My understanding was that as long as there was no exchange of bodily fluids or blood, I was at zero risk for contracting HIV. It therefore came…

unexpected journeys

Unexpected journeys. Little and big—life is full of them. A quick trip to the grocery store turns into a car accident, injuries, and several months of recuperation. A routine drive home from work turns into a breakdown on the highway and a lengthy wait for a tow truck. A call on the cell phone turns into the news that someone…

God sends an angel or two . . .

In July of 2010, I was driving on a county road in Southwestern Ontario and fell asleep at the wheel.  My son, who was texting at the time, was sitting beside me when he felt the car shaking as we entered a four-foot ditch.  He shouted to wake me up just in time for me to swerve from a hydro…

He will reply

Recently, I stumbled upon the Twitter page of a Korean actress that I like. So, I decided to drop her a note to tell her how much her recent drama had inspired me.

Since then, I’ve waited with bated breath to see if she will reply to my message. I know it’s unlikely, because such a popular star receives hundreds…

safe passage

I was shocked to learn that a registered sex offender lives in our neighborhood. According to public records, my neighbor was convicted on child pornography charges. Although I’ve never met the man, I hope he’s changed his ways and no longer poses a threat to children. Still, I’ve experienced the urge to permanently quarantine my kids.

The world is full…

no fear

Imagine sashaying through life with no fear. One woman knows what it feels like to be fear-free. Researchers exposed her to snakes and spiders, led her through a haunted house, and showed her scary flicks. No fear. Real death threats and being robbed at gunpoint left her (happily) whistling in the dark. Why? The woman has a genetic condition affecting…

things I can't see

Matthew 26:20-22: When it was evening, Jesus sat down at the table with the twelve disciples. While they were eating, He said, “I tell you the truth, one of you will betray Me.” Greatly distressed, each one asked in turn, “Am I the one, Lord?”

Is it possible for a Christian to know what they are capable of doing? God told…

i got your back

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9 NIV).

I was on solo foot patrol one afternoon at W135 St. & Lenox Ave. in Harlem, New York, when a fight erupted across the street from where I was…

please excuse me

At the library, I noticed an elderly woman browsing in the large-print book section. She shuffled down the aisles with a walker, stopping frequently to drop a book into her bulging tote bag. Despite less-than- perfect eyesight, limited mobility, and failing strength, she was hauling home a hoard of books! Any one of her limitations would have been an ample…

in the time of the storm

When we look at the word “STORM,” the dictionary meaning is: a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually rain, snow, hail, sleet or thunder and lightning.

As I took a closer look at the word S.T.O.R.M., eventually its meaning caused me to write this post. I see the word as “Strange Thoughts Over-Taking Renewed Minds.” In this season…


The bold print in a local news story caught my eye: “Increase in suicide rates in Singapore, male suicides double that of female.” The report goes on to say, “According to some psychiatrists, the higher number of suicides among men is not an unusual trend. . . . When it comes to dealing with their problems, men don’t tend to…

today #10

Today . . .

Today—only You!

I can see clearly now!

I can see my path,

The way to my destiny!

Only through You

are my deepest desires known and come to be!

Only by You  can my thoughts be established!

Only with You

can I cross the Jordan River, step-by-step!

Only under You

do I have protection!

Only over You there is no one!

None greater than You!

Only beside You has…

bogged down

My computer has become a test of my patience. Beyond sluggish, it takes at least 10 minutes to boot up due to it being infected with viruses and malware. Being an impatient, impulsive button-pusher, I have to walk away after I turn it on. Otherwise, I’m tempted to hurry the process by striking a key too soon. Trying to keep…

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